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Thursday, April 9, 2015 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 4 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm


location: Juniper

Presented by: Rose Marie Sloan, Associate Director, The Chair Academy, Mesa, AZ

Transformational leadership demands active and current skills and knowledge in communicating and working
with others. Effective leaders create an environment which motivates and enables others to act. The World of
Everything DiSC explores work behavioral style tendencies, preferences and priorities, leading to a better
The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference
understanding and appreciation for situational and fexible workplace communication. This interactive session will
emphasize and illustrate the idea that by adapting your behavioral style to the needs of others and the situation,
leaders can maximize individual and organizational effectiveness.

Participants will:
• Learn about the DiSC model and the Everything DiSC Workplace Profle.
• Discover your DiSC style and explore the priorities that drive you during your workday.
• Identify similarities and differences among DiSC styles
• Refect and discuss how priorities and preferences infuence actions, as well as motivate and stress.
All attendees will be provided a complimentary Everything diSc Workplace assessment code.


• Comprehensive 18 Month Foundation and Advanced Academy Programs
• Individualized Professional Development
• Mentoring and Support Programs
• 360 Degree Assessment

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