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Thursday, April 9, 2015 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 4 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm


location: Willow A LEADERSHIP TRACK

Presented by: Dr. Pamela Bandyopadhyay, Associate Dean, Academic Development & Support SVS, Hudson
County Community College, Jersey City, NJ; Joseph Pascale, Writing Center Coordinator, Hudson County
Community College, Jersey City, NJ

The crucial factors currently facing higher education are accommodating society’s strong desire for increasing
students learning and assuming more responsibility for what students learn. Due to recent changes in the Pell
Grant laws and regulations, students will have less time to graduate if their college education relies on the Pell Grant
funded fnancial aid. This change will have an impact on student retention and completion rates. This presentation
will explain how the leadership of an inner-city public community college’s Academic Support Services Department
addressed these issues by developing and implementing Enrichment and Bridge Programs for its developmental
education students.

The participants will beneft by learning how to:
• Secure funding and promote the programs
• Develop curriculum and materials
• Recruit students and select and train faculty and academic mentors
• Assess the effectiveness of the programs
• Improve student retention and graduation rates

THE clASSROOM OF THE FUTURE: The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference

location: Willow B LEADERSHIP TRACK

Presented by: Jason Powell, Dean - School of Health Sciences, Humber College ITAL, Toronto, ON; Eileen
DeCourcy, Associate Vice President Teaching and Learning, Humber College ITAL, Toronto, ON

The evolution of the post-secondary landscape has created an opportunity for educators to re-think the traditional
learning environment (classroom) and purpose build the next evolution of the higher education learning
environment. This session will describe the process of “classroom redesign” at a large urban community college in
Ontario, Canada. Further, this session will take participants on a journey from the idea phase to the implementation
phase, and will provide a complete history of the execution of the “classroom of the future”.

The attendees will beneft by:
• Obtaining strategies to ensure the classroom redesign process is inclusive and transparent and representative
of the best possible evidence
• Improving their understanding of technology supported learning as an interface within the collaborative class
• Understanding the corresponding shift in teaching and learning that will occur as a result of classroom re-design
• Enhancing their understanding of the challenges that result from classroom redesign
• Learning from a large institution that has implemented the “classroom of the future”

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