Page 27 - Chair Academy Conference
P. 27

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 1 - 10:30am - 12:00pm


Location: Geneva

Presented by: Cynthia Wilson, Vice President, Learning and Research, League for Innovation in the Community
College, Chandler, AZ

Supported by policy-makers, foundations, national organizations, and education leaders, the Completion Agenda
has become a major movement in higher education. However, many of the faculty who perform the fundamental
work of teaching and learning are absent from this national conversation. The Faculty Voices Project, with support
from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, seeks to engage community college faculty in the Completion
conversation with two aims: (1) identify, codify, and report issues and concerns faculty have regarding the
Completion Agenda; and (2) increase individual and institutional implementation of effective strategies for
promoting student learning, retention, and completion.

Participants will beneft from the session through opportunities to:
• Review resources available on, and coming soon to, the Faculty Voices website.
• Learn how faculty and institutions can participate in the Faculty Voices initiative.
• Provide input to the Faculty Voices survey.
• Explore tools and strategies for effective personalized learning developed by other projects.
• Learn how colleges can hold local or regional focus groups, strategic conversations, and/or faculty engagement
training on their campuses.

CONVENTIONAL ACADEMIA AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: The Chair Academy’s 23rd Annual International Leadership Conference

Location: Zurich

Presented by: Layla Azmi Goushey, Assistant Professor, English, St. Louis Community College, St. Louis, MO,
Lech Krzywonos, Access Academic Chair, Nova Scotia Community College, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

How productive alliances between conventional academic departments and workforce development initiatives can
develop through the use of Chair Academy principles.

Participants will learn
• Traditional practices of academic departments and workforce development initiatives in the community college.
• Examples of current projects
• Similarities and differences between Canadian and U.S. practices.
• A personal plan of action for individuals.
• The value of Chair Academy learning outcomes.

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