Page 28 - Chair Academy Conference
P. 28
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 2 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Location: Lugano
Presented by: Dr. Patricia Sackville, Associate Dean, Academic Studies, British Columbia Institute of Technology,
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, Randy Singer, Associate Dean, School of Business, Broadcast and Media
Communication, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC, Canada, Bryan Taylor, Instructor/Quality
Assurance, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC, Canada
The Chair Academy’s 23rd Annual International Leadership Conference
After attending the Foundation Leadership Academy in 2010, the British Columbia Institute of Technology cohort
met for breakfast once a month to continue the positive camaraderie experienced during the program. The team
discussed implementing change, strategic planning, and having diffcult conversations. Guest speakers shared
their leadership journey. Three years later, we continue meeting for breakfast and consider this a strong network to
grow our leadership capacity. This experience has convinced us that a cohort is more than a group of people with a
shared experience: it is a learning community. Several cohort members are here today to share our stories.
Attendees will beneft by:
• Hearing how the cohort inspired us
• Sharing the joys and struggles of leadership
• Learning about the importance of renewal for leaders
• Refecting on the cohort model
• Developing a personal cohort development plan
Location: Zermatt
Presented by Ellen McCloskey Chair/Professor Communication St. Louis Community College at Wildwood,
Wildwood, MO, Douglas Hurst Professor Communication/Attorney at Law St. Louis Community College at Meramec,
St. Louis, MO
Let’s face it: Individuals with eminently good interpersonal communication skills rise to the top. Leadership/com-
munication skills are necessary to move an organization forward in our changing world. Individuals are set apart by
common characteristics that help them to inspire their fellow employees. As a leader you can communicate to help
administrators and faculty illuminate their thoughts and ideas to beneft the university/college.
The attendees will beneft by:
• Learning how to develop charisma.
• Learning how to test and measure your credibility.
• Understanding the importance of nonverbal cues.
• Helping their administrators and faculty to become the visionaries their university/college needs.
• Learning to give authority away.