Page 26 - Chair Academy Conference
P. 26

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 1 - 10:30am - 12:00pm


Location: Alpine 1

Presented by: Scott J. Wakefeld, Chair of Art and Design, Artist and Illustrator, Community College of Aurora,
Aurora, CO

IBM recently asked 1500 CEOs to €prioritize the three most important leadership qualities in the new economic envi-
ronment, creativity was the one they selected more than any other choice. (Capitalizing on Complexity, Global Chief
The Chair Academy’s 23rd Annual International Leadership Conference
Executive Offcer Study 2009)

Developing a creative leadership style is a matter of choice. It is not an exclusive feature of talent or personality, but
rather a choice that can help you create the results you want.

As a teacher and student of the creative process, Scott brings together leadership styles and concepts from Daniel
Pink, Robert Fritz, Peter Senge, and others, and introduces you to the seven principles of Creative Leadership.

Strengthen your creative leadership and learn ways to:
• Develop your Vision
• Strive for Excellence
• Seek Clarity
• Re-invent your Status Quo
• Embrace Collaboration
• Act Despite Uncertainty
• Develop other Creative Leaders


Location: Alpine 2

Presented by: Scott Geddis, Faculty, Health Professions, Fitness, and Wellness , Phoenix College, Phoenix, AZ, and
Dr. Ann Krause-Hanson, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Wisconsin Technical College System (retired), Plover,

Leaders often discuss individuals who have infuenced their careers, those mentors that they interact with on a
regular basis. Who are these individuals? What are the characteristics of a good mentor? What constitutes a great
mentoring session? In this session we will explore mentoring relationships through an appreciative inquiry process.

Participants will:
• Participate in an appreciative inquiry process
• Defne characteristics of mentors
• Share mentoring stories
• Determine the importance of mentors in leadership journeys
• Receive mentoring resources.

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