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This perhaps is the true secret to building a successful center:

Assemble the right people and provide the leadership required to support their success.

many forms including: leadership with a vision that reaches beyond the challenges of
• a vote of confdence from an employer praising the college in the next fscal year and takes a holistic view of CCE’s overall
front of legislators, contributions to the college and community.
• community leaders highlighting a college program or success It Takes a Team
at a public event, For the reasons presented above, developing a robust CCE center

• local economic development organizations touting their is worth the leadership investment. With strong institutional
college’s responsiveness when recruiting major employers to leadership helping create the conditions needed to thrive, even
their region, or a small but talented team of CCE staf can produce value for a
college and its community that far outweighs revenue generation
• consistent coverage of successful college initiatives in local alone. Quality leadership also attracts highly capable CCE
papers and on television. employees, who recognize and are drawn to an opportunity to
play a signifcant role for their college. In return, they set and
Te reputation a college develops through sustained external achieve high expectations and are able to focus more of their
attention for its achievements and contributions creates energy on the clients and customers they serve. Tis perhaps
leadership infuence and credibility. Consequently, the college is is the true secret to building a successful center: assemble the
included as a critical partner in driving workforce and economic right people and provide the leadership required to support
vitality for its community. In Washington State, for example, it their success. In doing so you will build more than a strong
is projected that as many as 40% of the more than 80,000 Boeing CCE center; you will develop strategic networks and capabilities
employees in the Puget Sound region are eligible to retire in needed to address the growing economic, competitive, and
the next fve years (Wilhelm, 2012). Access to skilled workers demographic challenges each college will face in the future.
is ofen reported as the single most important factor in site
decisions made by companies. Tese decisions, such as which References
state is best to locate Boeing’s 777x production line, leave in the Barmon, K., Lawrence, D., Robon, M., White, K. (2012). Delivering
balance thousands of jobs for a community, billions of dollars the Programs that Industry Needs: A white paper about innovative
in revenue, and possibly even the future trajectory of aerospace methods across the program development and delivery process.
in Washington State (Catchpole, 2013). Led by our state’s National Council for Continuing Education & Training. Retrieved from:
Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Materials
Manufacturing, community colleges and other partners layout_details/false#sthash.mzWi4OsB.dpuf
coordinated to work collectively with industry to provide high Catchpole, D. (2013, December 2). Training workers seen as key
demand workforce solutions for employers. to future aerospace jobs: Efort ramped up to training new workers
for Boeing, others. Everett Herald. Retrieved from: http://www.
Operating a CCE center has inherent risk. Economic trends, Heifetz, R., Linsky, M., Grashow, A. (2009). Te Practice of Adaptive
increasing competition, and unanticipated industry changes Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the
can dramatically impact a self-supported training unit’s bottom World. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press.
line from year to year. Te upside of calculated risk-taking Van Noy, M., Jacobs, J., Korey, S., Bailey, T., Hughes, K. (2008).
is opportunity. Two years ago EvCC borrowed $4 million to Noncredit Enrollment in Workforce Education: State Policies and
renovate its aging training facility, with the expectation that its Community College Practices [Report]. Washington, DC: American
Corporate & Continuing Education Center will pay back the Association of Community Colleges. Retrieved from: http://www.aacc.
loan over a 20-year period. Since the renovation, the college has
brought in an additional million dollars in training each year— Wilhelm, S. (2012, May 4). Boeing’s worker head count will start falling
new business directly linked to having a professional training next year. Puget Sound Business Journal. Retrieved from http://www.
facility in the heart of the state’s manufacturing corridor.
Revenue John Bonner is the Executive Director of Everett Community
Responsiveness, relationships, recognition, and risk-taking College’s Ofce of Corporate & Continuing Education, which
are valuable currency in themselves for a college. Tey are also includes EvCC’s aerospace and advanced manufacturing
the requisite foundation for sustained proft generation. When credit-bearing professional/technical division and its non-credit
profts do come, it is important that a college take a long-term Corporate & Continuing Education Center (CCEC). John has
view, resisting the urge to use new profts to address current 15 years of experience leading self-support education programs
budget shortfalls. Te goal should be long-term sustained at universities, community colleges, and in private industry.
fnancial performance, and that requires a mechanism to John earned two master’s degrees (Teaching and Public
reliably reinvest a portion of profts back into the CCE center for Administration) from the University of Washington, where
developing new products, hiring staf, and investing in its own he also designed and taught English as a Second Language
infrastructure. In these difcult fnancial times, this requires programs for international corporate clients.

LEADERSHIP Vol. 19.3 Winter 2014 35

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