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JOHN BONNER | Executive Director, Corporate & Continuing Education, Industry Liaison | Everett Community College

Changes in the economy, higher education funding, and student demographics have college leaders searching for new
sources of revenue. Increasingly, many college presidents look to their corporate and continuing education divisions,
hoping to turn these operations into thriving proft centers.
College leaders may underestimate both the challenges of developing a strong corporate training center and the
leadership investment required for its success. This article outlines some of the challenges and shares what a college
can expect in return for investing its leadership capital in developing a strong corporate training center.

LEADERSHIP Vol. 19.3 Winter 2014 31

Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_19.3
Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative • 602.349.2220 •
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