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college participates in trade missions and is also being invited by perfectly with the true spirit of being Nova Scotia’s Community
partners to travel with them to countries where provincial and College. Te connectivity with the academic schools is what
national trade agreements are creating opportunities for Nova makes this happen.
Scotia in the global marketplace.
How does NSCC deliver education beyond its walls, References
meeting industry and community in their backyards?
Deloitte & Touche. (2010, June). Nova Scotia Community College
While NSCC has partnered its experienced faculty with business development function review. Halifax, NS.
companies looking for solutions beyond Nova Scotia, it has
also continued to enhance the work it has done at home. NSCC NSCC. Business Development. (2013). Business plan 2013-2015.
is constantly looking for new opportunities and innovative Halifax, NS: NSCC.
approaches. For example, through a provincial investment, NSCC. (2012, February). 2011 Customized employer survey
the college is working on the development of a mobile training results in brief.
trailer capable of delivering trades and technology education in NSCC. (2012, June). Now more than ever: Nova Scotia
communities throughout the province. Community College. Retrieved from
Clients notice the collaborative approach the college is taking nscc/Publications/nscc_strategic_plan_2012.pdf
and feel confdent in our dedication to program quality; the NSCC. (2013a). Mission, vision & values. Retrieved from http://
outcome is a relationship built on trust and commitment to
community, education, and student excellence. Tis approach
has proven to be efective for First Nations communities. In Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, it resulted in a successful three-way Assembly. (2011, August 22). Community Colleges Act. 1995-
partnership with a major employer, a First Nations community, 96, c. 4, s. 1. PART I (Sections 2 to 49) repealed 2002, c. 31,
and NSCC. NSCC teamed up with the Nova Scotia Aboriginal s. 13. Retrieved from
Employment Partnership (NSAEP) and Bell Aliant to provide commutc.htm
training in the communications sector. Bell Aliant needed Steele, G. (2010). Back to balance: Te four year plan. Retrieved
trained employees. Te First Nations community wanted to help from
their residents increase their skill levels. NSCC had the training fnance/budget2010/BudgetAddress2010-11.pdf
expertise. Business Development connected those needs and
resources to fnd the right solution. Te resulting program was a
16-week course supplemented by fve weeks of hands-on training
at Bell Aliant’s facility in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Following the
program’s conclusion, seven graduates were hired as some of the SHELLEY BALLANTYNE
company’s frst aboriginal employees.
Shelley Ballantyne is a Manager of Business Development at
For NSCC, training people for the work they are passionate Nova Scotia Community College. Shelley works with clients
about and helping, then, to grow the economy through their throughout Nova Scotia and also provides the Business
success is what its vision of “Transforming Nova Scotia one Development team with research and strategic business analysis.
learner at a time” is all about (NSCC, 2013a). Shelley has a diverse background and worked in the not-for-
Tat’s what we strive for - helping people fnd employment proft and private sectors prior to joining NSCC in 2000.
and meeting the needs of industry. Tat methodology aligns

30 LEADERSHIP Vol. 19.3 Winter 2014

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