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The Way Forward
When it comes to a leader’s responsiveness to a climate of
volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, the High-
Tech Startup community has a great deal to ofer. In our highly
competitive and rapidly changing business and educational
environments, uncertainty, disruption, discontinuity, and the
requirement of evolving as an organization are all critical to
supporting survival and relevance. Te way forward for leaders
can no longer be found in clinging to leadership approaches that
worked “yesterday.” Te world in which organizations today must
compete demands that managers and leaders be highly adaptable,
collaborative, permission-giving, risk-taking, people-centric, and
innovative across the board.
Becoming this type of leader is a matter of mind and will and Jeffrey D. Yergler, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Management
it will not come easy to most who know only how to lead using and Chair of Undergraduate Management at Golden Gate
position power, control, and authority. Leaders today would be University in San Francisco. He began his work in Higher
wise to surround themselves with people who understand what Education in 2006 at Olympic College in Bremerton,
it means to lead in a VUCA world. Tis means connecting to Washington. He joined the faculty at Golden Gate in
founders in the Startup community and exploring their approaches 2011. Jefrey also serves as Principal of Integer Leadership
to such things as culture-creation, entrepreneurial thinking and Consulting located in San Francisco. Integer provides
planning, and cutting-edge management approaches that positively leadership development training, executive leadership
impact employee engagement. Leaders must ask questions of those coaching, diversity training workshops, employee engagement
respected leaders and managers within their own institutions who training for managers, collaboration around core values and
have a reputation for being innovative, engagement-centric, and culture change, assessments addressing 360 evaluations,
results-oriented. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, leaders leadership and management work styles, and analyzing/
should consider hiring a cadre of Vibe Managers! building team performance. 

References: Johansen, B. (2012). Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership
Bazerman, M. H. (2014). Te power of noticing: What the best skills for an uncertain world. San Francisco, CA: Barrett-Koehler.
leaders see. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster. Kellerman, B. (2012). Te end of leadership. New York, NY:
Brown, D., Chheng, S., Melian, V., Parker, K., & Solow, M. (2015). Harper.
Culture and engagement. Te naked organization. Deloitte’s 2015 Levit, A. (2015, March 28). Make way for generation Z. Te New
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and ‘the walking dead’ it leaves behind. Te Guardian. Retrieved Jossey-Bass.
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Goldsmith, M., & Reiter, M. (2007). What got you here won’t get Skunked: An integrative review exploring the consequences of
you there: How successful people become even more successful. the dysfunctional leader and implication for those employees
New York, NY: Hyperion Books. who work for them. Human Resource Development, 14(1), 64-90.
Heifetz, R.A., Linsky, M., & Grashow, A. (2009). Te practice Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership. San
of adaptive leadership: Tools and tactics for changing your Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
organization and the world. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press. Te state of the American manager: Analytics and advice
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12 LEADERSHIP Vol. 21.1 Spring/Summer 2015

Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_20.4 spring/summer 2015 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •
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