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(Hill, Brandeau, Truelove, & Lineback, 2014; Lidow, 2014). Tis organizations that are struggling for want of a new type of leader
is an approach to leadership that is concerned with creativity, capable of leading in an environment characterized by volatility,
speed, strengthening the sustainability of the organization, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity?
building a fattened organizational structure that pushes
decision-making authority to those closest to the work, and PRACTICE 1: Self-differentiation and
ensures that products and services are competitive and possess Sustained Leadership Development
high utility to internal and external clients and customers (Hill Friedman (2007), in building on the work of Murray Bowan,
et al., 2014). Tese organizations are fueling strategic innovation noted that efective leaders are self-diferentiated leaders.
and creative environments like no other because those who Tese leaders have done the hard work of clearly defning
lead understand that operating with ambiguity is expected, who they are as autonomous individuals. Tey maintain their
disruption is the norm and necessarily leads to innovation, and separateness while also maintaining their capacity to stay
that constant collaboration and empowerment leads to team connected to people and organizations. Tey are independent
members who are aligned and deliver incredible results. Tey enough to avoid the siren call of enmeshment and sameness
also know that any other way of leading is the kiss of death while also being responsive, proactive, and engaged (Friedman,
(Hill et al., 2014). 2007). As leaders they can advance creative and innovative
initiatives and also address the resistance that comes from
Danger in Novelty? those who stand opposed to them. Tey regulate their own
Like any business, the High-Tech Startup community is far emotions in the face of obstructions and do not allow the
from perfect. In fact, Rory Carroll (2014) recently noted in Te anxiety or the lack of emotional regulation on the part of others
Guardian that the failure rate of start-ups is estimated to be close to distract and derail their own leadership responsibilities and
to 90%, which is similar to the failure rate of small businesses organizational initiatives.
in other sectors. However, despite the failures, those start-ups Friedman (2007) also noted that the self-diferentiated leader
that emerge as successes operate with a clear set of leadership will tend to attract others who also value self-diferentiation.
priorities and unconventional thinking that leverages disruption Tese individuals can engage in creativity, innovation, and
and fuels consistent growth. Lidow (2014) observed that entrepreneurial thinking while also addressing pushback or
“virtually all the new job creation and economic growth comes resistance. Tey can be innovative and measured risk-takers
from frms that have taken the entrepreneur’s original idea and because they operate in an environment where they are not
transformed it into scalable activities that teams of people are constrained by the fear of failure fueled by the anxiety of a
motivated to work on together. Tese frms account for over 60% controlling and enmeshed leader.
of all job creation” (p. xii). Tis does not happen by accident but
by intentional design. So, what are those leadership practices Finally, the self-diferentiated leader values continuous
that are “scalable” and “translatable” from the tumultuous world leadership development. Tis is especially important in a VUCA
of High-Tech Startups to the more established institutions and world where words like adaptation, nimbleness, innovation,
LEADERSHIP Vol. 21.1 Spring/Summer 2015 9
Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_20.4 spring/summer 2015 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •