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2: Predictive analytics for student success has not been immune either, with incidents being reported
“Analytics is the use of data, statistical analysis, and explanatory by institutions such as the University of Maryland, Butler
and predictive models to gain insights and act on complex issues” University, and Iowa State University among others over the
(Bichsel, 2012, pp. 6-7). Te article “Big Data Comes to College”, past few years (Poremba, 2014). A recent Educause survey of IT
published in July of 2014 by Anya Kamenetz, outlined some leaders listed the “Top 3 Strategic Information Security Issues”
of the opportunities and challenges of integrating technology- for higher education as 1) developing an efective information
based analytics solutions with institutional business processes security strategy; 2) ensuring constituents receive education and
to achieve better student outcomes. Kamenetz described some training; and 3) developing policies. All of these priorities require
of the successes that Purdue University had in increased student substantial investments in people and process, as well as creating
outcomes utilizing their “Signals” solution. Signals utilized a sense of shared ownership of information security across the
multiple data sources and bio-demographic information institution (Grama & Vogel, 2015, p. 1).
of students to provide graphical status updates regarding Te January 2015 blog post by journalist Anthony Freed, on
performance and likelihood to succeed, as well as alerts to the security site DARKMATTERS, addressed the issue of a
address student performance issues such as completion of cyber security skills shortage. Freed cited the 2015 Global
assignments. As of 2014, Purdue’s Signals solution had been used Cybersecurity Status Report which revealed that 86% of
by 24,000 students, increased the number of students earning As participants were concerned about the global shortage of skilled
and Bs, lowered Ds and Fs, and helped increase persistence rates cyber security professionals. Of even greater concern, 38% of
(Kamenetz, 2014). the respondents believed they were not adequately prepared to
Technology-based predictive analytics have had demonstrable thwart more sophisticated attacks (Freed, 2015). With a shortage
success at other institutions as well.  For example, Arizona State of qualifed and trained information security professionals,
University (ASU) has used technology-based analytics to improve institutions of higher education will be competing for a limited
student outcomes and success since 2007. An early pioneer, ASU pool of candidates. Te average salary for a qualifed Chief
launched eAdvisor in 2007 – much like Purdue’s Signals – to help Information Security Ofcer ranged from $125,000 to $259,000
students stay on track and alert them when they were not. Te a year for 2014 (, 2015).
program also helped with things such as degree sequencing maps
and advisement. Students were compelled to seek advisement Summary
when needed and were given the quickest pathway to achieve Given these three technology trends that higher education
the requirements of a degree within a specifc timeframe. Since leaders should be aware of in the coming years, college and
eAdvisor was introduced, ASU realized signifcant increases in university leaders should prepare to place more emphasis - and
student retention and graduation rates, especially among frst- invest more resources - in developing new approaches to IT
generation and minority students (Phillips, 2014). services through brokering cloud services, redefning IT stafng
Even with the successes of programs such as these, the use of skillsets, and integrating analytics into institutional business
analytics in higher education has not been without controversy, processes to improve student success rates. To address the
as described in the aforementioned article by Kamenetz. information security stafng challenge, college leaders may need
Regardless of the concerns being voiced by some in the academy, to make greater investments in professional information security
about 80% of IT and institutional research (IR) participants in a stafng, increase staf training levels, and develop new processes
2012 Educause Center for Applied Research study believed that and programs to create shared ownership and accountability for
analytics were becoming more important to institutional success. information security across their institutions.
Te same report stated that 75% of IT and IR study participants
believed that analytics was a major priority (Bichsel, 2012). References
Bichsel, J. (2012, August). Analytics in higher education: Benefts,
3: The information security staffng challenge barriers, progress, and recommendations. Retrieved from http://
With seasoned information security professionals stating that
“It’s no longer a matter of if… it’s when,” you really start to Educause. (2014, March). Core data service almanac: All U.S.
think about the level of risk that exists for organizations with institutions with classifcation AA, BA, MA, or DR. Retrieved
regard to information privacy and security (Hendershot, 2014, from
p. 1). A blunt statement regarding the current environment of
information security, but one that is accurate when considering Educause. (2015, February). Core data service almanac: All U.S.
the number of organizations and institutions that have sufered institutions with classifcation AA, BA, MA, or DR. Retrieved
from information security incidents within the past two years. from
Organizations such as Target, Home Depot, and J.P. Morgan Experian. (2015, January). 2015 Second annual data breach
sufered from major incidents that involved millions of users’ data industry forecast. Retrieved from
and accounts (Tobias, 2014). Te stakes are high, with projected assets/data-breach/white-papers/2015-industry-forecast-experian.
losses to be in the billions for 2015 (Experian, 2015). pdf?_ga=1.172114915.1943093614.1418003182
Information is what drives higher education, and risks abound Freed, A. (2015, January). Majority concerned about cyber
at both the technological and human level. Higher education security skills shortage. Retrieved from http://blog.norsecorp.

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