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How may this impact pricing decisions in future years? Will proft institutions and develop storefront operations or, perhaps,
colleges move away from traditional tuition models, and move to single stand-alone buildings that are more widely dispersed
variable tuitions based on the cost of delivery and/or demand for throughout their service communities?
courses? Will free MOOCs replace the traditional development Teoretically, the instructional space required for students
courses some legislatures no longer want to fund? receiving all instruction face-to-face could serve twice the
Technology’s Impact on Bricks and Mortar number of students if the college’s oferings were 25% online,
In the last two decades, community colleges have moved 50% hybrid, and 25% face-to-face. Technology-enhanced
from traditional brick and mortar institutions with classroom instruction can be customized and more individualized to better
instruction to institutions with signifcant amounts of online meet a student’s specifc needs and interests. Rich, engaging
instruction. Some community colleges are developing separate technology infused throughout the curriculum is in high
institutions dedicated to providing only online instruction. demand by students and can help trigger each student’s passion
How far the pendulum will swing in this direction is yet to for learning. Add to the technology wave the impact of aging
be determined, but the demand for fully online or hybrid buildings, many of them built when the chalk board was the
instruction continues to grow. Students, not institutions, will major classroom visual, community colleges will have major
be the major driver for the change to fully online or hybrid changes in the way capital funds are invested in the future.
instruction (Levine, 2000). More Competition
Te continued shif in instructional delivery methods will have Community colleges, originally created as territorial monopolies
a major impact on the amount and design of facilities. Te old to meet local community needs, now fnd themselves in a more
measures of student FTE per square foot and instruction space competitive environment. A myriad of other institutions are now
per square foot of campus will become irrelevant. Determining aggressively reaching out to serve the same population. Many of
what community college campuses will look like in the future these institutions provide a major portion of their instruction
and how many students can be supported will be an interesting over the Internet. Students pay signifcantly more money for
journey. Will community colleges take a lesson from the for- this instruction compared to community college costs, but gain

18 LEADERSHIP Vol. 19.3 Winter 2014

Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_19.3
Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative • 602.349.2220 •
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