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what they have just learned. To involve the learners and tap into grading tests is uncomfortable (they do not know how), takes a
group dynamics even more, have the learners do something or lot of time, and we do not pay them all that well.
create something. Learning needs to be used in order to be retained. Delivery of content. Some frequent issues I have seen here include
A number of people working together with common interests can having trouble coming up with good examples outside of their
learn faster than the same persons working alone. Adults do not own organizational experience, or talking too much about their
necessarily need the input or feedback of the trainer – they can own company. Keeping an appropriate pace is also a problem
learn from peers. Te trainer’s role may be simply to ensure that this for many. Most ofen they get behind and do not fnish things
learning occurs and is accurate. by the end of the term, but a few will fnish by week fve and
How will a trainer and training be evaluated? do not know what else to do. Te latter are usually the ones
As indicated in Figure 1, much training is not evaluated at all who just read from the book, or at least do not add much from
– at least formally. ASTD studies indicate that well over 80% outside. Finally, there are those who do not balance inductive
of training uses a “smile sheet,” but these have notoriously and deductive teaching styles. Tey may want to just lecture, or,
low validity and relate almost exclusively to the trainer and occasionally, they may be much more into the participative mode
the conditions of the training, not the learning which was than is appropriate for the content.
accomplished. When it comes down to actually seeing if Dealing with students. Organizational trainers I have hired to
employees learned what they were supposed to, the level of teach college courses are frequently amazed and frustrated by
measurement drops well below 40%, and into single digit the students’ lack of attendance and lack of participation when
percentages regarding whether they use the training on the job they are there. In the business world, their trainees come to class
to make a diference for the organization. Te training feld is or get fred. Company trainees are also more likely to have a
showing a greater concern for better measures of the return on common basis (the employer or the equipment); whereas college
investment, but evaluation is ofen so informal that the trainer’s students come to class with very diferent perceptions and
only feedback may be whether or not they are invited to return. experiences. Tis is particularly true in the community college.
What are the major concerns about an organizational trainer Motivating without alienating can be a challenge.
teaching in colleges? How do we help organizational trainers adapt to academia?
Looking back at Figure 1, some of the diferences between the Diferent colleges have diferent policies, but here are fve things
environments are so obvious that they will automatically be I suggest. (1) Have a formal job orientation and checklist for
handled in the orientation and hiring process. An individual every adjunct faculty member you hire. (2) Assign a mentor –
without the academic credentials required by the college or yourself or someone else who knows the course material – and
accrediting agency will not be hired. Te department chair is keep in frequent contact with the new adjunct faculty member.
probably going to explain to the trainer/adjunct faculty person (3) Review their syllabus before they meet the class the frst
that the course uses a certain textbook, that chapters such and time. (4) Make sure the new person is aware of any institutional
such should be covered, that the class meets at a certain time for support services. Can someone help them make a test, develop a
eleven or sixteen weeks, and so on. better lecture, suggest outside resources, tutor students who are
As a department chair and former dean of business, most of my having trouble, and so on? (5) Make a copy of Figure 1 from this
problems with new faculty who came from an organizational article and go over some of the key diferences with your new
training background can be summarized into just a few hires as part of their orientation. Discuss how these apply in your
categories: grading, delivery of content, and dealing with institution, especially the points about course content, objective
student motivation. levels, and presentation style.
Grading. Trainers do not usually have to do this, and many Most colleges could not survive with only the full-time faculty as
do not know how to create a decent test instrument. If they a teaching base. We need other talented people who can work with
evaluate at all in business and industry, it is ofen in a hands-on our students and successfully support our institutional missions.
and company-specifc process. Be sure the new adjunct faculty Likewise, businesses ofen need the expertise that college faculty
member is aware of such aids as the instructor’s manual and test can provide. It can be a win-win situation for both when we share
bank. If possible, assign a mentor who has taught the course and human resources and know-how, but only if the person in front of
understands basic psychometrics. Trainers who are teaching the class understands which role they are playing today.
college for the frst time also need to know that true-false and
multiple choice tests are not always appropriate. I usually found Bob Vaughn is Professor Emeritus of Management
and a former department chair and dean at Lakeland
that trainers are more reluctant than full-time faculty to give low Community College in Northeast Ohio. He has done
grades, and ofen do not want to give enough tests to provide an in-house training in over 100 companies and professional
adequate basis for determining the grades they give. Writing and organizations, and worked with over 2,500 individuals to
help improve their training skills. He has also been a long-
term board member and three time president of the Greater
6 ASTD is Te American Society for Training and Development. Founded in Cleveland Chapter of ASTD. Bob earned Beta Gamma
1944 with over 70,000 current members internationally, the organization is in the Sigma recognition during his doctoral studies and was named Lakeland’s
process of renaming itself as “ATD” for “Association for Talent Development.” outstanding faculty member in 2002. His books include Te Professional
7 Smile sheets are the industry term for measurements at Kirkpatrick’s frst level: Trainer: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Delivering and Evaluating
End-of-course surveys which ask for the trainees’ opinions about the training. Training Programs, 2nd edition, Decision Making Training, and Decision
8 Tompson, C., et. al. 2002 Training for the Next Economy: An ASTD State of the Making and Problem Solving in Management, 3rd edition. He is currently
Industry Report on Trends in Employer Provided Training in the United States. working on a fourth book covering the subject of this paper. For further
Washington DC:ASTD p. 33. information, see his website:
8 LEADERSHIP Vol. 20.2 Fall 2014
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Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •