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Kate Hetherington, Ed.D., President, Howard Community College, Columbia, MD, USA

Given the quote, what is your vision of leadership in today’s rapidly changing, post-secondary climate?
Today’s transformational leaders must inspire others to look beyond the familiar, and imagine the
extraordinary. It is easy to get mired in a mindset of what we cannot do because of not having “enough,”
whether it is funding, personnel, or time. Leaders have to build their visions on the relationships that they
have with members of their internal and external communities. Te leaders who are connected personally
with their communities can weather the challenging times that come with change.
What actions can leaders take to envision the future?
At Howard Community College, we are about to launch the Commission on the Future, which takes place
every fve years and asks members of the external community to help us explore what the future will hold
for our county and the region. Te commissioners are joined by faculty, staf, and students to examine
issues such as global competency, STEM, and workforce development. Te commission’s fnal report helps
shape the college’s strategic goals and initiatives. Te college has been conducting a Commission on the
Future since 1999 and the work of the commissions has resulted in new programs and initiatives that have
shaped Howard Community College’s future.
In looking forward, how can leaders bring their leadership vision to life?
You have to be accountable. Having a vision is one thing, but unless you have ways of documenting where you want to go, how
you plan to get there, and showing results, you will have created a hollow vision. A critical element is to have a plan to sustain
the leadership vision by having others ready to step up when a leader moves on. With so many changes in higher education, a
leadership vision cannot rely solely on one person. It needs the entire community’s commitment and involvement in order to
make the vision come to life.

Dr. Tom Roemer EdD MSc, Vice-President, Academic, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Given the quote, what is your vision of leadership in today’s rapidly changing, post-secondary climate?
As the world around us is changing at an unprecedented rate, the visionary leader will be increasingly
tasked with distinguishing long-term advancement from short-lived hypes.
What actions can leaders take to envision the future?
We must keep our institutions attractive and at the forefront of modern epistemology, without altering
course too quick and too ofen. Operationalizing a vision also requires an element of stability and
predictability, a solid basis on which to build the vision.
In looking forward, how can leaders bring their leadership vision to life?
Innate curiosity and the relentless pursuit of excellence must be paired with critical thinking and
pragmatism. Together, they can form a reliable matrix that allows us to generate new approaches
grounded in proven values. Change management skills will be essential for the leader to prevent
resentment and anxiety among the stakeholders. Instilling passion and excitement about new
opportunities will help to face disruption and future-proof the institution.

Dr. Jennifer Methvin, President, Crowder College, Neosho, MO, USA
Given the quote, what is your vision of leadership in today’s rapidly changing, post-secondary climate?
In the fuctuating climate that is higher education, I fnd providing opportunities for colleagues to
collectively refect on how we can do things a little better tomorrow than we did today is helpful in building
a common vision for our work. Searching for panaceas and perfection is overwhelming, unrealistic,
and unauthentic. Envisioning the next step in our maturity as a college or the next thing we want for
our students has proven to be an efective way to build consensus and excitement around a vision of our
preferred future.
What actions can leaders take to envision the future?
Knowing how others are generating success uncovers possibilities. Wholly understanding your institution
provides practicality. Knowing that a preferred future is created, not just reached or discovered, is
exceptionally important.
In looking forward, how can leaders bring their leadership vision to life?
In my experience, efective leaders empower those around them to take ownership of and action toward the shared vision.
Inspiring and empowering colleagues is a leader’s most difcult challenge, yet most impactful path.

LEADERSHIP Vol. 23.1 Spring/Summer 2017 5

Client: The Chair Academy Job: Leadership_Journal_23.1 Spring/Summer 2017 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 • LAURA@GOLDFISHCREATIVE.NET
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