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As we celebrate his award and his contributions to higher idea so spend time thinking big. Te money will follow the
education, I’d like to give you a glimpse into some of his creativity! You don’t hear our leaders say, “I can’t do that
guiding nuggets of wisdom that we call “Tompsonisms.” because I don’t have the money.” Rather, you hear, “Te money
1. Do it, try it, fx it will come if the idea is big enough.”
Tom gives his leaders permission to fail and encouragement to 8. You get what you demand
get on with it. Many in higher education wait to get things perfect Tis saying is sometimes also referenced alongside, “You
before they start. Tom encourages people to experiment and adapt encourage what you tolerate.” Both sayings speak to the role of
in an iterative manner. Tis isn’t an excuse to be sloppy, as his leadership in demanding clear outcomes and expectations for
expectation for diligence is very high. the people they lead. “If you, as a leader, aren’t thinking about
2. It’s your ship these things, then who is?” is something he’ll also integrate into
such conversations.
Ownership leads to the greatest results and creative expression
so Tom ofen says, “It’s your ship,” referring to the role of a 9. Good paper makes good friends
captain on a ship. In other words, I’m here to support you but So many big ideas happen because of trust and relationships.
you have the freedom to lead your area of responsibility as if Tom has been able to foster such external relationships and it is
you owned it. evidenced throughout his career. He has never undermined a
3. You can’t catch elephants with mousetraps high trust rapport with sloppy paperwork. Te documentation
required for an efective partnership must withstand the length
If you want to do something big, then your plans and execution of the relationship. It’s ofen tempting to chase down a bunch of
must also be big. He encourages us to use the right instruments bunny trails with partners but the discipline of clear paperwork
to achieve the intended success. One of Tom’s greatest legacies and documentation allows for clear focus and aligned actions.
is a joint venture called the Community Learning Campus. It is
an integrated community, high school, and college facility and 10. Be there
it was a big elephant. He utilized the right tools of governance, Tis saying comes with a powerful story of when Tom coached
politics, vision, and philanthropy to deliver amazing results. college basketball and he took a raw talent in year one to
4. Dream big, build simple, act now national player of the year and the national championship
in year four. Tis young man was successful because he
Ofen in visioning and planning sessions, operationally minded implemented his coach’s advice to “Be there.” “Tere” was a
leaders go to the details and start to talk about the minutia spot on the court where he could rebound and score. Te player
required to execute a plan. As leaders, Tom consistently was disciplined in his commitment to implement his coach’s
encourages us to push our thinking to a higher level, build a very instructions and the success followed!
simple approach to achieve that vision, and then “get on with it.”
Tis one aligns with item number one. 11. Well-orchestrated spontaneity
5. Become #1 or #2, or get out of it When I frst heard Tom use this phrase, I quite honestly
couldn’t process it. However, over time I’ve been able to
It is easy to settle for “good enough.” Jim Collins speaks to appreciate the diligence in pre-planning for a desired outcome.
the discipline required to move from “good to great.” Tom Even when things appear to be spontaneous, it ofen requires
reinforces this concept by encouraging us to think about uber-diligence and well-orchestrated planning behind the
becoming the best in the province, the nation, the world, scenes. Tis is ofen used by celebrities when a story goes
etc. If you can’t become the best, then sunset the activity. He viral. It appears to be random or spontaneous but there are
ofen says, “In the stratosphere of excellence there is little to sophisticated eforts behind the scenes.
no competition, as very few people have the discipline and
commitment to be the best.” 12. Words count, deeds count more
6. Be quick, but don’t hurry Tis phrase needs little explanation. It really speaks to the value
of moving to action. Higher education ofen falls into the trap
Responsiveness has been one of the hallmarks of Dr. of “planning to do” rather than “getting on with the action.”
Tompson’s leadership. However, in an environment where
responsiveness is embraced, it is easy to get caught rushing 13. This is nothing more than elegant hot air
things. Tom encourages a business-like approach to being quick I can’t tell you how many meetings I’ve been to where people
but he also tempers that with diligence and measured action... use words like, “we could,” “potential,” “collaboration,” or
thus the advice to “Be quick but don’t hurry.” “partnership” and nothing ever materializes. Tom ofen calls
7. Creativity before money this unproductive behavior “elegant hot air” until it shows some
documentation (good paper makes good friends) or it moves to
Under Tom’s leadership, the college has been successful in action (words count, deeds count more).
having over $200 million of external funds invested on our
campus. He never once chased the money; he pursued vision 14. Get a bigger dog
and creativity. He will ofen say that it takes just as much While there is a natural tendency to avoid confict in higher
energy to sell an average idea as it does to sell an amazing education, good business requires good negotiation skills.
10 LEADERSHIP Vol. 22.1 Spring/Summer 2016
Client: The Chair Academy Job: Leadership_Journal_22.1 SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •
As we celebrate his award and his contributions to higher idea so spend time thinking big. Te money will follow the
education, I’d like to give you a glimpse into some of his creativity! You don’t hear our leaders say, “I can’t do that
guiding nuggets of wisdom that we call “Tompsonisms.” because I don’t have the money.” Rather, you hear, “Te money
1. Do it, try it, fx it will come if the idea is big enough.”
Tom gives his leaders permission to fail and encouragement to 8. You get what you demand
get on with it. Many in higher education wait to get things perfect Tis saying is sometimes also referenced alongside, “You
before they start. Tom encourages people to experiment and adapt encourage what you tolerate.” Both sayings speak to the role of
in an iterative manner. Tis isn’t an excuse to be sloppy, as his leadership in demanding clear outcomes and expectations for
expectation for diligence is very high. the people they lead. “If you, as a leader, aren’t thinking about
2. It’s your ship these things, then who is?” is something he’ll also integrate into
such conversations.
Ownership leads to the greatest results and creative expression
so Tom ofen says, “It’s your ship,” referring to the role of a 9. Good paper makes good friends
captain on a ship. In other words, I’m here to support you but So many big ideas happen because of trust and relationships.
you have the freedom to lead your area of responsibility as if Tom has been able to foster such external relationships and it is
you owned it. evidenced throughout his career. He has never undermined a
3. You can’t catch elephants with mousetraps high trust rapport with sloppy paperwork. Te documentation
required for an efective partnership must withstand the length
If you want to do something big, then your plans and execution of the relationship. It’s ofen tempting to chase down a bunch of
must also be big. He encourages us to use the right instruments bunny trails with partners but the discipline of clear paperwork
to achieve the intended success. One of Tom’s greatest legacies and documentation allows for clear focus and aligned actions.
is a joint venture called the Community Learning Campus. It is
an integrated community, high school, and college facility and 10. Be there
it was a big elephant. He utilized the right tools of governance, Tis saying comes with a powerful story of when Tom coached
politics, vision, and philanthropy to deliver amazing results. college basketball and he took a raw talent in year one to
4. Dream big, build simple, act now national player of the year and the national championship
in year four. Tis young man was successful because he
Ofen in visioning and planning sessions, operationally minded implemented his coach’s advice to “Be there.” “Tere” was a
leaders go to the details and start to talk about the minutia spot on the court where he could rebound and score. Te player
required to execute a plan. As leaders, Tom consistently was disciplined in his commitment to implement his coach’s
encourages us to push our thinking to a higher level, build a very instructions and the success followed!
simple approach to achieve that vision, and then “get on with it.”
Tis one aligns with item number one. 11. Well-orchestrated spontaneity
5. Become #1 or #2, or get out of it When I frst heard Tom use this phrase, I quite honestly
couldn’t process it. However, over time I’ve been able to
It is easy to settle for “good enough.” Jim Collins speaks to appreciate the diligence in pre-planning for a desired outcome.
the discipline required to move from “good to great.” Tom Even when things appear to be spontaneous, it ofen requires
reinforces this concept by encouraging us to think about uber-diligence and well-orchestrated planning behind the
becoming the best in the province, the nation, the world, scenes. Tis is ofen used by celebrities when a story goes
etc. If you can’t become the best, then sunset the activity. He viral. It appears to be random or spontaneous but there are
ofen says, “In the stratosphere of excellence there is little to sophisticated eforts behind the scenes.
no competition, as very few people have the discipline and
commitment to be the best.” 12. Words count, deeds count more
6. Be quick, but don’t hurry Tis phrase needs little explanation. It really speaks to the value
of moving to action. Higher education ofen falls into the trap
Responsiveness has been one of the hallmarks of Dr. of “planning to do” rather than “getting on with the action.”
Tompson’s leadership. However, in an environment where
responsiveness is embraced, it is easy to get caught rushing 13. This is nothing more than elegant hot air
things. Tom encourages a business-like approach to being quick I can’t tell you how many meetings I’ve been to where people
but he also tempers that with diligence and measured action... use words like, “we could,” “potential,” “collaboration,” or
thus the advice to “Be quick but don’t hurry.” “partnership” and nothing ever materializes. Tom ofen calls
7. Creativity before money this unproductive behavior “elegant hot air” until it shows some
documentation (good paper makes good friends) or it moves to
Under Tom’s leadership, the college has been successful in action (words count, deeds count more).
having over $200 million of external funds invested on our
campus. He never once chased the money; he pursued vision 14. Get a bigger dog
and creativity. He will ofen say that it takes just as much While there is a natural tendency to avoid confict in higher
energy to sell an average idea as it does to sell an amazing education, good business requires good negotiation skills.
10 LEADERSHIP Vol. 22.1 Spring/Summer 2016
Client: The Chair Academy Job: Leadership_Journal_22.1 SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •