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Tis particular edition of Leadership mirrors the theme of our story itself is compelling, ofering a masterful review of the
24 Annual International Leadership Conference that was American landscape that existed throughout the 1800s; the
held in Seattle, Washington from April 7-10 . Feedback from unforgiving way western technology, disease, and expansionism
conferees was very positive, but some did take us to task for the soon decimated a nation of native people and of the violence
theme itself—arguing that Digital Age, or the VUCA age, etc., that ensued as cultures clashed over time and space. It’s a great
might better represent the times. To us, “high defnition” best read and I highly recommend it, but that’s not the point of my
represented the essence of what we meant to focus on in Seattle, reference. So let me get to the point.
it was less about the technology used to achieve or shape the Red Cloud was a great warrior, a tribe member of humble origins
emerging leadership climate than the imagery itself. who became a great chief of the Sioux nation that at one point
Let me draw a distinction between what was or used to be and roamed freely and supremely over a land mass that totaled one-
what is that relates to this issue. I am a student of the last half ffh of the USA. When you explore the native culture that allowed
of the past century. During my more formative years I was Red Cloud to come to prominence as a tribal leader, it was against
captivated by a black and white tube driven TV that featured the backdrop of four key pillars that were so highly valued and
no less than two hours of quality programming content each extend even to this day: bravery, fortitude, generosity, and wisdom.
evening spread across essentially three channels; in my case Make no mistake; Red Cloud was a master warrior, ofen
channels 4, 5, and 7, representing ABC, NBC, and CBS. You quite brutal, an expert hunter, able archer, and an exceptional
wanted news, you got it delivered to your doorstep in a daily tactician; but above all else he also had a talent for building
newspaper—more black and white images, thank you very alliances, setting the example, scouting the future, and proving
much, and/or you huddled around the TV with your parents time and again the value of loyalty and being politically astute.
and sufered through the likes of Douglas Edwards reading As the 1800s gave way to the 1900s, the tools and technology that
the headlines of the day from places in the world he would try would drive America forward from a largely agrarian society
to help you imagine with words and colorless static images or to one of industrialization and mass migration globally ring
newsreels in only 15 minutes. somewhat true today as the 20 century has now given way to
Fast forward to today. Yesterday I was fying back from the beginnings of the 21 and the information age.
Seattle to Phoenix. Since it was a Tuesday, not surprisingly, Yes, we know so much more about everything than we ever
the plane seemed to be overstocked with business travelers, thought possible, and the options and opportunities to share and
each of whom were busy checking their smart phones, tablets, distribute information are richer and more diverse than was ever
laptops, and any number of other electronic devices. No matter even imaginable. Yet at the end of the day, perhaps some of the
where you looked among my fellow passengers, those who greatest lessons we might learn may be yet discovered in a good
weren’t just sleeping away the time were fngering their way old fashioned book with paper pages and dog eared corners, or
through a treasure trove of data, word docs, information, and by being open to a quality conversation with a signifcant other
entertainment possibilities; fully occupied in their own world in our lives, or by a walk through the forest or a day on the
for the duration of our 2½ hour fight. lake—places where we can reconnect what’s outside with what
I had access to the same devices, but for various reasons chose matters inside; bravery, fortitude, generosity, and wisdom.
to leave all the technology tucked away, and instead became Regardless of the “age,” the heart of everything that is, is the
thoroughly absorbed in a book I’ve been reading (yes, a real essence of us and how we best connect with the world around us.
book, with paper pages and dog eared corners) entitled Te How well connected are you, not so much technologically but
Heart of Everything Tat Is—Te Untold Story of Red Cloud, emotionally, philosophically, spiritually? It’s a question worth
An American Legend, by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin. Te answering, and if not now, then when?
LEADERSHIP Vol. 21.1 Spring/Summer 2015 3
Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_20.4 spring/summer 2015 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •