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time. Students, board members, taxpayers, and business leaders important, but ultimately we can only accomplish so much
all voiced their opinion. We focused on education. as individuals. We need others. Collectively we can make a
Looking back, our employees responded magnifcently. Tey diference. If you fnd success, remember that it was due in great
stood proud and they maintained their professionalism. Under part to the eforts of those around you. A little humility goes a
some of the most trying and difcult scenarios, our employees long way.
rose to the challenge, always putting students and education frst. And that brings me full cycle to the Paul A. Elsner Excellence in
Leadership Award. It is a great honor, one that refects what we’ve
KEY #4 – APPRECIATE OTHERS been able to accomplish at Chippewa Valley Technical College
Finally, my last point, be appreciative. Be thankful. If you are and here at Te Chair Academy. Small contributions…pointed
fortunate to be given leadership opportunities, realize that your in the right directions…or the right purpose…can make a huge
performance is now based or judged upon the performance diference. Tank you.
of your team. Your individual work ethic and actions are

“ Knowledge

is power”

- Sir Francis Bacon

20 LEADERSHIP Vol. 21.1 Spring/Summer 2015

Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_20.4 spring/summer 2015 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •
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