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greatly beneftted from seminars, workshops, and conferences When you have the right group of diferent individuals, bring
like this…Te Chair Academy consistently hosts one of the best them together and form a cohesive team. Unify them around a
conferences year afer year…but where I’ve learned the most, common purpose. Point them in the right direction. Create a
where I’ve seen theory meet reality is right in front of me every sense of importance and urgency. Education is a true gif; it is
day. Watch and learn from those around you. Learn every day… the light of civilization, and we all have a great responsibility to
meet someone new…read a diferent author or editor. Join a pass that light on to others. We have a tremendous impact on our
diferent organization or serve on a non-proft board. Purposely neighbors and friends. We strengthen our communities.
keep expanding your knowledge base. Te state of Wisconsin has recently undergone a tremendous

KEY #3 – BUILD MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS amount of change. Public sector labor unions were virtually
FOCUSED ON EDUCATION eliminated. Seemingly overnight employees sufered a six to 18%
loss in compensation. Teir lives were turned upside down, and
My next key is to reach out to others and form meaningful they were drawn into a political fght of national signifcance.
relationships. Leadership implies multi-person relationships. Employees’ careers and job performance were being questioned.
If you have an opportunity to form a committee or select a Te turmoil continued for several months as the original
team, surround yourself with good, diverse people; people legislation passed and then a series of petitions and recall
who represent diferent disciplines, leadership styles, and elections followed.
subject matter expertise. Every issue usually involves fnances,
IT, human resources, even marketing if you include internal As administrators, we were caught in the middle; we needed to
corporate communications as one of their responsibilities. Get support our teachers, our taxpayers, our board (which was split),
input from every discipline, from every angle, and remember to and our governor. I chose to support education. Our mission was
encourage diferent ideas; question conclusions. General Patton education, and our focus had to stay on education.
said, “If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn’t thinking.” Employees could voice opinions and take action—on their own

“ If everyone is thinking alike,

then someone isn’t thinking.” - General George Patton

LEADERSHIP Vol. 21.1 Spring/Summer 2015 19

Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_20.4 spring/summer 2015 Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative - Laura Dvir • 602.349.2220 •
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