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Can you provide an example of a contract designed with and internationally. NSCC worked with Exxon Mobil to build
this coordinated approach? capacity in Malaysia, New Guinea, and Angola by providing

Te provincial government’s department of Labour and hands-on training to nationals in existing, expanded, or new
Advanced Education ofered the college an opportunity to production facilities. Other international contracts saw the
develop a training program for Competency Assessors. Te delivery of safety and technical training for Bermuda-based
proposal was prepared in consultation with the School of Access, BELCO, and high-level aircraf maintenance training for
Student Services, Academic Quality Assurance & Program students from the United Arab Emirates for Atlantic Canada-
Development, Operations, and Organizational Learning. To based Provincial Airlines Ltd.
ensure the highest quality product, a collective choice was made International contracts have contributed to the globalization of
to second an NSCC subject matter expert to develop and deliver NSCC. Internationalization improves the ability of the college
the program. Contract funds were used to hire a replacement for to attract students, broadens the client base for customized
the expert’s regular duties. Integrated solutions enable people training, and raises the profle of the college as a partner for
from diferent areas of the college to come together in learning, government and the private sector. Professional development,
which results in stronger internal relationships, improved knowledge transfer, and the development of related expertise are
processes, and professional development. Tree additional also benefts associated with international contracts.
opportunities emerged from this contract. NSCC’s exports are the learning solutions and training provided
Communication is the most powerful tool. Engagement to clients. Te products and services are designed and developed
opportunities are sought throughout NSCC. Te Business here in Nova Scotia by NSCC faculty throughout 13 campuses.
Development story, along with the integrated solutions provided Te content is based on national regulations and certifcation
to clients, is shared with colleagues in departments across the standards and is customized for each client. With a mission
college. Colleagues are asked for suggestions on how to improve to support Nova Scotian companies, Business Development
services; they want to be part of the work. Te more people broadened its international reach by sharing international
understand what you do, the more they’re in a position to help contract experience with Nova Scotian companies who work
and be supportive. We’re in a position to share our stories with outside the province.
people and, as they get to know the story, they want to be a part In 2012, NSCC received a request from Emera Utility Services to
of it and have the expertise to ofer clients. create the NSCC customized Emera Power Operations program.
Does Business Development get involved in exporting Emera constructed a power generation facility in Grand Bahama
NSCC education abroad? and required assistance to prepare Caribbean trainees to become
According to college internal sales reports for Business skilled diesel plant operators. NSCC assembled a project team
Development activity, over 20% of NSCC’s business that worked to ensure the program was developed to meet the
development activity takes place in international markets. Tis clients’ needs utilizing NSCC curriculum. Faculty travelled to
includes training in developing countries, capacity building Grand Bahamas to teach and develop the skills the company
in developing nations, and exporting customized training required for the facility’s operation and maintenance.
solutions where clients have a need. Our reputation for being responsive to client needs has
NSCC entered the international contract training market by encouraged NSCC partners like the Association of Canadian
fostering relationships and forging partnerships with external Community Colleges (ACCC), Atlantic Canada Opportunities
clients. Business Development exported NSCC’s learning Agency (ACOA), EduNova, and Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI)
experience to clients, many of which operate both domestically to identify opportunities for NSCC in growing markets. Te

LEADERSHIP Vol. 19.3 Winter 2014 29

Client: The Chair Academy Job: CHAIRAcademy_Journal_19.3
Final size: 8.5” x 11” Colors: CMYK Bleeds: Yes
Created by: Goldfsh Creative • 602.349.2220 •
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