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Many post-secondary institutions are engaged in enterprising NSCC has always beneftted from the revenues generated by
education; revenue generation, connection to industry, and these programs, which run as a proft center. Starting in 2001,
professional development for staf and faculty are some of the the college included Customized Training and Continuing
benefts. Perhaps even more important, enterprising education Education (formerly Extension Services) as sources of revenue
promotes the entrepreneurial spirit necessary for organizations in its annual operating budget. Tis practice continues with the
to thrive. Enterprising education at the Nova Scotia Community 2013-2014 college budget, including $6.08 million in revenue
College (NSCC) has evolved from providing training to business from contract training, which is 3.1% of NSCC’s budget.
and industry in local communities, many of them rural, to Between 1998 and 2007, Customized Training operated in a
delivering complex learning solutions for major corporations silo and the provision of services associated with its work was
both domestically and internationally. Over time the model of separate from many college processes. In 2007, the structure
delivery has changed to support growth and goals. Tis article was revisited. Te services delivered by Customized Training
shares the path that Nova Scotia’s only community college became integrated with College Services. Continuing Education,
has gone through and provides an update from the Dean of Part-Time Studies, and core-like programs were moved under
Flexible Learning Solutions on the progress NSCC is making in the purview of the academic schools. Te remaining portion of
providing college-based learning solutions to business. Customized Training was renamed Business Development, and
Te college’s mission is Building Nova Scotia’s economy and it was dedicated solely to contract training. Tis enabled those
quality of life through education and innovation (NSCC, 2013a). involved in the promotion of contract training to focus more on
Delivering industry-leading training to clients – which include working with their clients to design learning solutions to directly
federal government departments, manufacturing frms, energy address business challenges. Tis resulted in an increase in both
producers, First Nations communities, technical training the number of contracts and their dollar value.
centers, and transportation companies – is one of the ways In 2010-2011, the provincial government introduced a new
NSCC is realizing its mission.
ENTERPRISING NSCC has been engaged in the enterprise of education since 2010) resulting in a signifcant reduction in government funding.
fnancial platform - Back to Balance: Te Four Year Plan (Steele,
1989 when government-run regional vocational schools provided
NSCC was challenged to fnd ways to improve efectiveness and
generate additional funds. With a view to strengthening the
contract training to local business and industry. On April 1,
1996, the provincial government passed the Community Colleges integrated model positioning Business Development for growth
EDUCATION TO Act (Ofce of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of in new markets, the college undertook a Functional Review of
Business Development (Deloitte & Touche, 2010) to identify
Assembly, 2011), and NSCC was created as a self-governing
opportunities for improvement and recommendations.
community college. NSCC is a network of 13 campuses, which
ofers over 100 programs in fve academic schools. Tese
It was found that overall, the integrated model was working well
DELIVER INDUSTRY- of the provincial economy. As stated in the act, the college’s with support and acceptance from key stakeholders. Business
programs refect the labor market needs and opportunities
Development was seen as vital to the college, ofering fexibility
function is “enhancing the economic and social well-being of the
and opportunities to test new areas and programs for potential.
Province by meeting the occupational training requirements of
Te quality of service to the students had increased, as had
the population and the labour market of the Province” (Ofce
alignment with academic school objectives and consistency of
LEADING SOLUTIONS of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, curriculum. Te report identifed a need to review processes to
2011). Between 1996 and 2000 NSCC operated contract training
improve consistency and share best practices. One of the critical
under the auspices of Extension Services, which also included
success factors identifed was the ability to integrate Business
continuing education and the seat sale of unfunded programs.
Development programs into systems designed for core programs,

LEADERSHIP Vol. 19.3 Winter 2014 25

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