Page 38 - Chair Academy's 26th Annual Conference Program
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Associate Dean of Students, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL

Dr. Anthony Altieri has been a vital member of the student afairs team for over 10
years at this institution. Throughout his 20 year career, his contributions to student
success have been highly impactful and integral in creating an engaging, intentional
and robust outside of the classroom experience. With a broad background, Dr. Alt-
ieri has created innovative opportunities to promote student success and retention.
Most recently he has developed and implemented a competency-based transitional
program for all new students as well as an intensive, four-year leadership develop-
ment program to foster leadership identity and skill development. His approach
to educating students and colleagues creates an environment where creativity,
respect, and individualization emerges for high quality experiences and outcomes.

Academic Chair, School of Construction, Southern Alberta Institute of
Technology, Calgary, AB

Dick Babott has been a valued SAIT employee for more than 30 years. As an Aca-
demic Chair in the School of Construction, he manages multiple portfolios. These
include managing construction-based training for indigenous communities, summer
camp programming, and three dual-credit programs (whereby Calgary high school
students attend SAIT programs while they also attend high school, graduating with
both a high school diploma and a SAIT credential at the same time). The breadth
and nature of this programming requires Dick to work collaboratively with many dif-
ferent departments within SAIT and with many diferent stakeholder groups outside
of SAIT, including government, industry associations, schools boards, high school
students, parents, and indigenous groups. His ability to do so successfully is due to
his strong leadership skills.

Dean, School of Human Services and Community Safety and School of
Hospitality and Tourism, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Saskatoon, SK

Nancy Dill, Dean, School of Human Services and Community Safety and School
of Hospitality and Tourism, has been an educator all her professional life. With a
B.Ed. from University of Saskatchewan and M.Ed. from University of Alberta, Nancy
began her teaching career in early childhood education and then moved to post-

Since joining Saskatchewan Polytechnic in 1980, Nancy has been an instructor in
several community service programs, a continuing education consultant, curriculum
developer, program head and now dean. Nancy has continued to focus on the
development of accessible and innovative learning opportunities and was
instrumental in developing a demonstration child care centre that allows students to
observe and practice skills taught in the classroom. More recently, she has become
an expert in adult basic education.

36 The Chair Academy’s 26th Annual International Leadership Conference
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