Page 33 - Chair Academy's 26th Annual Conference Program
P. 33

Concurrent Session Track 2 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm


Location: Boca IV LEADERSHIP

Presented by: Alfe Betker, Academic Chair, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary, AB, Matt Carpenter,
Academic Chair, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary,

Employee engagement is measured through surveys, but it is driven by relationships. Relationships infuence
engagement surveys more than any other single item, but it is those relationships, not the survey results, which
infuence the learning environment for students.

This presentation argues that relationships have two components: the “personal view” and “team application”. The
presenters will delve into the team component. Focus will be placed on professional relationships amongst faculty
as well as between faculty and administration. During the interactive session, participants will implement proven
coaching models by focusing on defning, building, maintaining and understanding the value of relationships.

• Defning and understanding the value of relationships within teams
• Transforming a management perspective towards promoting a relationship focused environment
• Creating a healthy, collaborative culture that nurtures people’s intrinsic motivators while also aligning with the
external strategic priorities
• Creating a win-win, and genuine interest, buy-in for the team towards institutional priorities
• Capturing the “home person” (natural state) vs. the “work person” (adapted state)



Presented by: Natasha Velikoselskiy, Senior Manager, Leadership Development, Johnson and Johnson, Titusville, NJ

With Millennials (Generation Y) projected to make up to 75 percent of the global workforce by 2030, the
implications for organizational leadership are astounding.

In this session we will discuss everything you wanted to know about managing the Millennials and how to set them
up for success:
• Who they are and what they stand for: the good, the bad, the diferent.
• Their organizational value proposition and their expectations of the employer.
• Challenges in managing Millennials and solutions.
• Best practices for developing them into the leaders of tomorrow.

The interactive session will leave you better equipped to grow your organization’s success by leveraging the
newest generation at work!

Learning Objective 1: Learn the key characteristics of the Millennials/Generation Y and implications for their
integration in the workplace

Learning Objective 2: Understand the best ways to manage the youngest generation in the workplace capitalizing
on the generational diversity.

Learning Objective 3: Learn best practices for leading and developing the Millennials, their motivations, aspirations
and strengths, as well as areas of opportunity.

The Chair Academy’s 26th Annual International Leadership Conference 31
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