Page 29 - Chair Academy's 26th Annual Conference Program
P. 29

Concurrent Session Track 1 - 10:30am - 12:00pm


Location: Boca VI LEADERSHIP

Presented by: Lynda Wallace-Hulecki, Ed.D., Principal Consultant, JL Research & Systems Design Ltd, Victoria, BC

The concept of a VUCA world; one that is volatile, uncertain,complex, and ambiguous; is often used to describe the
turbulent, unpredictable,and rapidly changing environmental context considered by many to be the “new normal” for higher
education. Some management experts believe that to survive and thrive in a chronically turbulent (VUCA) environment,
leaders at all levels will need the mind-set and capabilities of an educational innovator; an agile learner and innovator who
embraces and exploits change in the delivery of educational programs and services to sustain competitive advantage.

This session introduces the concepts of a VUCA world in the context of higher education, explores emerging leadership
paradigms as a counter-response, and examines six (6) essential skills of an innovator and change agent based on research
conducted by Amy Wilkinson, author of The Creator’ Code: The Six Essential Skills of Extraordinary Entrepreneurs (2015).
Drawing from a decade of my experience as a higher education consultant, an analysis is presented of the restraining forces
most frequently encountered on client campuses that work contrary to Wilkinson’s essential skills. From this analysis, six
(6) axioms are posited as essential enablers to innovation and change in the higher education context, along with proven
leadership strategies from the feld.
Participants will beneft by:
• Learning about the concepts and relevance of VUCA for higher education
• Discovering emerging leadership paradigms as a counter-response
• Exploring driving and restraining forces to innovation and change within the higher education context
• Discussing six axioms as essential enablers of institutional vitality
• Sharing proven leadership strategies from the feld


Location: Boca VII WELL-BEING

Presented by: Linda L. Meccouri, Consultant, Positive Change Facilitator, Springfeld Technical Community
College, Amherst, MA

I love to dance! In addition to being a proven “well-being” activity that increases neuroplasticity, the “best practices”
of partner dancing mirror best practices of leading and following in organizations. Staying connected, maintaining
your frame, creating a shared vision, being clear when leading new moves are important in both social dancing and
organizational leadership. Come to this session to explore the metaphor of leadership from the Dance Floor.

Participants will beneft from this workshop by:
• Considering the health-protective elements of social dance.
• Exploring the metaphor of the “dance foor” in organizational relationships.
• Integrating social dance elements/best practices into one’s leadership style
• Considering social dance for personal wellness.
• Sharing joy with video examples of “dance” leadership demonstrations.

The Chair Academy’s 26th Annual International Leadership Conference 27
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