Page 22 - Chair Academy's 26th Annual Conference Program
P. 22

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 - Pre-Conference Sessions



Presented by: Bill Lamb, Kirkwood Community College

The workshop will present a variety of strategies for new front line administrators, including chairs, directors, deans,
and other organizational leaders. Activities throughout the day will help participants defne their role as leaders and
share strategies to develop cohesive teams.

Topics will include:
• understanding leadership versus management in organizations
• understanding yourself and how you work with others
• skills for building teams and working with diverse work styles
• time management and work best practices
• recognizing and managing confict
• adapting to and guiding organizational change

The activities will involve small group interaction and allow time for sharing strategies as well as applying new
methods to real work examples. The afternoon session will encourage the sharing of “successful practices” through
guided group discussions. Participants will receive a variety of written materials to use as guides and references,
and information related to the Academy for Leadership Development will be shared.



Presented by: Clifton Taulbert, Freemount Corporation

This Workshop will give each leader/participant an opportunity to choose what they perceive to be the top two is-
sues facing community college leadership today and the strategic preparedness required to meet those challenges.
Secondly, we will take a comparative look at the top seven challenges facing community college leadership as
determined by external observers to ignite the conversation. The “outcomes” from this early activity will show up
throughout the workshop day—guiding the workshop conversation ensuring alignment with real community col-
leges issues.

Their Day will involve Leader Teams working separately and together to maximize their storehouses of knowledge
as they collectively see themselves as the “North Stars” to guide others into the required “New Think” dynamics.
This concept of refecting on LEADERSHIP SHIFTING came about as a result of our work with Mid-Stream Fortune
500 Pipeline Companies who because of the rapid changing dynamics within the oil and gas industry had to accept
the fact that they—The Leaders—had to alter their own leadership style-leading beyond the traditional styles—if
they were to see their people respond creatively as was being demanded. Innovative and nimble became the order
of the day. How do you get there… is the workshop. Engaging activities will be supplemented by strategically cho-
sen articles from Leader to Leader, as well as several books published by the facilitator: Shift Your Thinking: Win
Where You Stand and Eight Habits of the Heart.
The “New Think Leadership” Outcomes:
• Understanding & Responding to the Dynamics of Turning Challenges into Opportunities
• How “Leaders” become the “North Star” for their Teams
• Skills for Building Teams refective of the “New Think Leadership”
• How to Ensure SUSTAINABILITY of Expended Eforts
• Discovery Strategies to Employ: Start, Stop, & Accelerate

20 The Chair Academy’s 26th Annual International Leadership Conference
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