Page 11 - Chair Academy's 26th Annual Conference Program
P. 11

Conference Keynote Speakers


Margaret Wheatley writes, teaches and speaks about how we can organize and
accomplish our work in chaotic times, sustain our relationships, and willingly step
forward to serve. Since 1973, Meg has taught, consulted, and advised an unusually
broad variety of organizations: Her clients and audiences range from the head of the
U.S. Army to twelve--year--old Girl Scouts, from CEOs and government ministers to
small town ministers, from Large universities to rural aboriginal villages. All of these
organizations and people wrestle with a very difcult dilemma—how to maintain their
integrity, motivation and efectiveness as they cope with the relentless upheavals and
rapid shifts of this troubling time.
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Because Meg has worked for more than 40 years with leaders on all continents and
with most types of organizations and communities, she feels compelled to challenge
leaders at this historic juncture with these questions: Who do we choose to be for
this time? Do we contribute to the deterioration of human capacity by our silence and
compliance, or do we act bravely and use our power and infuence to champion the
human spirit? Can we use the resources we have available to create islands of sanity
wherever possible?
Since 1992, she has published eight award--winning books, all published by
Berrett-- Koehler Publishers. She began with the path--breaking Leadership and
the New Science. In 2014, she published How Does Raven Know? A personal
meditative memoir describing her experiences of working with sacred world.
Margaret Wheatley will be speaking, Thursday, March 30, 2017


Pat Williams is a basketball Hall-of-Famer, currently serving as co-founder and senior
vice president of the NBA’s Orlando Magic. As one of America’s top motivational
speakers, he has addressed thousands of executives in organizations ranging from
Fortune 500 companies and national associations to universities and nonprofts.
Clients include AllState, American Express, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Disney, Honeywell,
IBM, ING, Lockheed Martin, Nike, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Tyson Foods to
name a few. Pat is also the author of 100 books, his most recent title highlighting
the secrets to peak performance in EXTREME WINNING.

Since 1968, Pat has been in the NBA as general manager for teams in Chicago,
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Orlando Magic, which he co-founded in 1987 and helped lead to the NBA fnals in
1995 and 2009.

Additionally, Pat served for seven years in the United States Army, spent seven years
in the Philadelphia Phillies organization—two as a minor league catcher and fve in
the front ofce—and has also spent three years in the Minnesota Twins organization.

Pat and his wife, Ruth, are the parents of 19 children, including 14 adopted from four
nations, ranging in age from 28 to 42. For one year, 16 of his children were all
teenagers at the same time.

Pat Williams will be speaking, Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Chair Academy’s 26th Annual International Leadership Conference 9
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