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Wednesday, April 8, 2015 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 2 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm
location: Juniper
Presented by: Keith Smith, MA, MBA, EdD, Vice President, Kaplan University, Lynnwood, WA; Candace A. Croft,
Dean, Hawkeye Community College, Lancaster, WI
All the work world’s a stage and the rules of engagement for the actors have changed. Today’s organizations
require entrepreneurism, adaptability, and creativity for performance excellence. Not merely an employee, you are a
professional character! No organization pays you to show up at work. Not really. Organizations pay team members
to play certain roles. How well does your team play its roles? High-defnition character resolution relies on keen role
clarity and focus that directs synergy into peak performance. Synthesis of various leadership models combined with
energy dynamics creates a new paradigm for peak effectiveness, well-being and, yes, joy at work.
The attendees will beneft by:
• Constructing a paradigm refecting a shift in leadership synergy
• Identifying factors that determine work character roles/development and team performance
• Learning techniques for mindfully creating high-defnition characters
• Assessing how to set the stage and re-cast ineffective characters to align team performance with goals
• Rehearsing ten questions for continual assessment to produce an award-winning team performance
cHANgE MANAgEMENT: The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference
location: Medina
Presented by: Marlene DuBois, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Suffolk County Community College,
Crooked Hill Road, Brentwood, NY
Change can be produced through infuence rather than authority, and navigating successful change management is
often the job of intuition, taking one both through and between the more fxed areas of responsibility within an
organization. In this new world of higher education where assessment results yield to hard analysis, which then
guide operational budgets, and stronger programs eat weaker ones, one can still fnd how easily “the soft
overcomes the hard/the weak overcomes the strong.” This session will offer several models for change through
infuence, and give participants a chance to apply those models to their own institution.
Attendees will:
• Identify types of change that require infuence rather than authority
• Discover untapped strengths in an organization’s current structure
• Construct potential paths of infuence that create win/win scenarios
• Develop a set of appropriate metaphors that can guide desired changes
• Develop a list of personal behaviors that promote infuence over authority
location: Juniper
Presented by: Keith Smith, MA, MBA, EdD, Vice President, Kaplan University, Lynnwood, WA; Candace A. Croft,
Dean, Hawkeye Community College, Lancaster, WI
All the work world’s a stage and the rules of engagement for the actors have changed. Today’s organizations
require entrepreneurism, adaptability, and creativity for performance excellence. Not merely an employee, you are a
professional character! No organization pays you to show up at work. Not really. Organizations pay team members
to play certain roles. How well does your team play its roles? High-defnition character resolution relies on keen role
clarity and focus that directs synergy into peak performance. Synthesis of various leadership models combined with
energy dynamics creates a new paradigm for peak effectiveness, well-being and, yes, joy at work.
The attendees will beneft by:
• Constructing a paradigm refecting a shift in leadership synergy
• Identifying factors that determine work character roles/development and team performance
• Learning techniques for mindfully creating high-defnition characters
• Assessing how to set the stage and re-cast ineffective characters to align team performance with goals
• Rehearsing ten questions for continual assessment to produce an award-winning team performance
cHANgE MANAgEMENT: The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference
location: Medina
Presented by: Marlene DuBois, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Suffolk County Community College,
Crooked Hill Road, Brentwood, NY
Change can be produced through infuence rather than authority, and navigating successful change management is
often the job of intuition, taking one both through and between the more fxed areas of responsibility within an
organization. In this new world of higher education where assessment results yield to hard analysis, which then
guide operational budgets, and stronger programs eat weaker ones, one can still fnd how easily “the soft
overcomes the hard/the weak overcomes the strong.” This session will offer several models for change through
infuence, and give participants a chance to apply those models to their own institution.
Attendees will:
• Identify types of change that require infuence rather than authority
• Discover untapped strengths in an organization’s current structure
• Construct potential paths of infuence that create win/win scenarios
• Develop a set of appropriate metaphors that can guide desired changes
• Develop a list of personal behaviors that promote infuence over authority