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Wednesday, April 8, 2015 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 1 - 10:45am - 12:15pm
location: Kirkland LEADERSHIP TRACK
Presented by: Claudia Santin, EdD, Dean, Professor of Leadership, College of Business, River Forest, IL; Kathryn
Hollywood, PhD, Chair, and Professor of Leadership, College of Graduate and Innovative Programs, River Forest,
Ill; Donna Blaess, PhD, Associate Professor, College of Graduate and Innovative Programs, River Forest, Ill
The roles of faculty are primarily teaching, research, and service. With constricting budgets and increased workloads
The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference
faculty are hard pressed to fnd time for creative thinking and innovation, much less collaboration. In addition, it is
usually necessary to break down faculty silos, so typical in academic environments that can stife creativity and
innovation. This is where academic leadership can make a difference. Academic leaders who understand how
to harness the collective thinking of faculty can maximize their involvement in the innovation process. Understanding
how to create an inclusive climate that values diversity of thinking can foster a culture of innovation. The challenges
is knowing how to do this.
The attendees will beneft by:
• Developing a better understanding of how to create a climate of inclusiveness.
• Discussing how to encourage a culture of creativity and innovation through collaboration
• Deepening their understanding of how collaboration can bring faculty together to develop a common language
of innovation
• Understanding their role as academic leaders in supporting faculty growth
• Supporting faculty creative thinking and risk taking
location: leschi
Presented by: Dr. Sandy Vanderburgh, Dean, Applied Arts and Sciences, Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB;
Shelley Carter-Rose, Director of Student Services, Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB; Doug Overes, Chair of
Culinary Careers, Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB
This roundtable session will discuss our approach to massive institutional and organizational change that is all
encompassing. It is change with a bold vision for Leading and Transforming Education in Alberta, and the
vision is supported by four Institutional Strategies defned through a comprehensive journey. We will share how we
achieved the vision and the redesign of the learning system through demonstrations and the display of tools we
developed. In addition, we will provide participants with an understanding of the techniques, images, and events
that we employed as part of our strategies and approach to continuous change management.
Participants will beneft from this Roundtable Presentation by:
• Gaining an Understanding of a Change Education Leadership Process
• Reviewing the components of the Change Leadership Process
• Learning about an Institutional Approach to Leading and Transforming Education in a large and complex
educational system such as Alberta
• Seeing what a Transformed System looks like
• Gaining an understanding for a Shared Learning Refection Process
location: Kirkland LEADERSHIP TRACK
Presented by: Claudia Santin, EdD, Dean, Professor of Leadership, College of Business, River Forest, IL; Kathryn
Hollywood, PhD, Chair, and Professor of Leadership, College of Graduate and Innovative Programs, River Forest,
Ill; Donna Blaess, PhD, Associate Professor, College of Graduate and Innovative Programs, River Forest, Ill
The roles of faculty are primarily teaching, research, and service. With constricting budgets and increased workloads
The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference
faculty are hard pressed to fnd time for creative thinking and innovation, much less collaboration. In addition, it is
usually necessary to break down faculty silos, so typical in academic environments that can stife creativity and
innovation. This is where academic leadership can make a difference. Academic leaders who understand how
to harness the collective thinking of faculty can maximize their involvement in the innovation process. Understanding
how to create an inclusive climate that values diversity of thinking can foster a culture of innovation. The challenges
is knowing how to do this.
The attendees will beneft by:
• Developing a better understanding of how to create a climate of inclusiveness.
• Discussing how to encourage a culture of creativity and innovation through collaboration
• Deepening their understanding of how collaboration can bring faculty together to develop a common language
of innovation
• Understanding their role as academic leaders in supporting faculty growth
• Supporting faculty creative thinking and risk taking
location: leschi
Presented by: Dr. Sandy Vanderburgh, Dean, Applied Arts and Sciences, Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB;
Shelley Carter-Rose, Director of Student Services, Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB; Doug Overes, Chair of
Culinary Careers, Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB
This roundtable session will discuss our approach to massive institutional and organizational change that is all
encompassing. It is change with a bold vision for Leading and Transforming Education in Alberta, and the
vision is supported by four Institutional Strategies defned through a comprehensive journey. We will share how we
achieved the vision and the redesign of the learning system through demonstrations and the display of tools we
developed. In addition, we will provide participants with an understanding of the techniques, images, and events
that we employed as part of our strategies and approach to continuous change management.
Participants will beneft from this Roundtable Presentation by:
• Gaining an Understanding of a Change Education Leadership Process
• Reviewing the components of the Change Leadership Process
• Learning about an Institutional Approach to Leading and Transforming Education in a large and complex
educational system such as Alberta
• Seeing what a Transformed System looks like
• Gaining an understanding for a Shared Learning Refection Process