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Tuesday, April 7, 2015 - Pre-Conference Sessions
location: Willow A
Presented by: Julie Wechsler, South Mountain Community College
Clark Kerr, frst chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley indicated that “crisis and change in higher
education have always been the rule and not the exception” (1994). This trend continues today as we face
increasing budget constraints along with “student success rates that are unacceptably low, employment preparation
The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference
that is inadequately connected to job market needs and disconnects in transitions between high schools, community
colleges, and baccalaureate institutions” (Fain, 2012).
The need for effective leadership has never been greater, however “many of our current leaders are retiring and the
pipeline of prospective leaders is inadequate, with high turnover among presidents as well as vice presidents and
deans” (O’Banion, 2011). Prospective leaders who are in the pipeline are likely to be from Gen X or Gen Y and may
have different values, expectations and approaches to learning and leadership than our current leaders. We must
ask ourselves, “who will lead our institutions in these changing times, how will they lead our institutions, and how will
we prepare them to lead successfully?”
In this interactive session, we will explore the changing environment recently described by the Center for Creative
Leadership as volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Participants will consider implications of environmental
change on leadership competencies, and how these competencies can be developed using new learning strategies.
Finally, participants will explore the impact of all these changes on our wellbeing – both personal and institutional –
and develop a roadmap with specifc strategies designed to result in higher levels of wellbeing and more successful
institutions – even during these changing times.
location: Aspen
Presented by: Bill Lamb, Kirkwood Community College
This comprehensive workshop will present a variety of strategies for new front line administrators, including chairs,
directors, deans, and other organizational leaders. Activities throughout the day will help participants to defne their
role as leaders and to develop cohesive teams.
Topics will include:
• Understanding leadership versus management in organizations
• Understanding yourself and how you work with others
• Building teams and working with diverse work styles
• Time management and work best practices
• Dealing with confict
• Adapting to and guiding organizational change
The activities will be directed to small group interaction with time for sharing strategies as well as applying new
methods to real world examples. The afternoon session will encourage the sharing of “best practices” learned from
the group. Participants will receive a variety of written materials to use as guides and references, and additional op-
portunities to learn more about the Academy for Leadership and Development.
location: Willow A
Presented by: Julie Wechsler, South Mountain Community College
Clark Kerr, frst chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley indicated that “crisis and change in higher
education have always been the rule and not the exception” (1994). This trend continues today as we face
increasing budget constraints along with “student success rates that are unacceptably low, employment preparation
The Chair Academy’s 24th Annual International Leadership Conference
that is inadequately connected to job market needs and disconnects in transitions between high schools, community
colleges, and baccalaureate institutions” (Fain, 2012).
The need for effective leadership has never been greater, however “many of our current leaders are retiring and the
pipeline of prospective leaders is inadequate, with high turnover among presidents as well as vice presidents and
deans” (O’Banion, 2011). Prospective leaders who are in the pipeline are likely to be from Gen X or Gen Y and may
have different values, expectations and approaches to learning and leadership than our current leaders. We must
ask ourselves, “who will lead our institutions in these changing times, how will they lead our institutions, and how will
we prepare them to lead successfully?”
In this interactive session, we will explore the changing environment recently described by the Center for Creative
Leadership as volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Participants will consider implications of environmental
change on leadership competencies, and how these competencies can be developed using new learning strategies.
Finally, participants will explore the impact of all these changes on our wellbeing – both personal and institutional –
and develop a roadmap with specifc strategies designed to result in higher levels of wellbeing and more successful
institutions – even during these changing times.
location: Aspen
Presented by: Bill Lamb, Kirkwood Community College
This comprehensive workshop will present a variety of strategies for new front line administrators, including chairs,
directors, deans, and other organizational leaders. Activities throughout the day will help participants to defne their
role as leaders and to develop cohesive teams.
Topics will include:
• Understanding leadership versus management in organizations
• Understanding yourself and how you work with others
• Building teams and working with diverse work styles
• Time management and work best practices
• Dealing with confict
• Adapting to and guiding organizational change
The activities will be directed to small group interaction with time for sharing strategies as well as applying new
methods to real world examples. The afternoon session will encourage the sharing of “best practices” learned from
the group. Participants will receive a variety of written materials to use as guides and references, and additional op-
portunities to learn more about the Academy for Leadership and Development.