Page 8 - Chair Academy Conference
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Opening General Session
The opening General Session begins Wednesday, March 26th, at 7:00am with breakfast served
in the Versailles Foyer. At 8:00am, in the Versailles Ballroom, Master of Ceremonies, Terry
Simmons opens the session, followed by our opening Keynote Speaker, Tom Rath, who will
discuss How Leaders Improve Health, Well-being, and Performance in his keynote address.
We will close the session by honoring our Paul A. Elsner International Leadership Award hon-
orees Anita Rios and Lane Glenn.
Second General Session
The second General Session begins Wednesday, March 26th, at 3:30pm, our Master of
Ceremonies will open the session. Our second feature Keynote Speaker, MaryJane Bullen, will
discuss The New Leadership Paradigm: Creating Evolutionary Leaders in her keynote
address. We will close the session by honoring our 2014 Idahlynn Karre Exemplary Leadership
Award recipients.
Third General Session
The third General Session begins Thursday, March 27th, at 7:00am with breakfast served in the
Versailles Foyer. At 8:00am, in the Versailles Ballroom, our Master of Ceremonies opens the
session, followed by our opening Keynote Speaker, Dan Pontefract, who will discuss
Collaborative Leaders. Collaborative Learners. We will close the session by recognizing our
Gary Filan Excellence in Leadership award recipients, the Chair Academy Directors Award
recipient, and our Academy Ambassadors.
Fourth General Session
The fourth General Session will be unlike any previous session, at an Academy Conference.
Beginning at 12:00pm on Thursday, March 27th, a lunch buffet will be served in the Versailles
Ballroom, and our Master of Ceremonies will open the session, Our Keynote Speaker, Donna
Dare, who will discuss From Start to Finish: The Role of Academic Leaders in Developing
Pathways for Learners, in her keynote address. We will close the General Session by
recognizing our Conference Sponsors.
Closing General Session
The closing General Session begins Friday, March 28th at 9:00am with a plated breakfast
served in the Versailles Ballroom. Our Master of Ceremonies will open the session, followed by
our closing Keynote Speaker, Mark Taylor, who will tie the Conference together in his keynote
address: Planning for Success in the Multigenerational Academic Workplace.