Page 44 - Chair Academy Conference
P. 44
Thursday, March 27, 2014 - Roundtable/Concurrent Session 5 - 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Location: Bern
Presented by: Cynthia Wilson, Vice President, Learning and Research, League for Innovation in the Community
College, Chandler, AZ
The League’s Community Colleges & Public Health Project is exploring the role of community colleges in the public
health education continuum. In Phase 1, an Expert Panel recommended identifcation of associate degree and
The Chair Academy’s 23rd Annual International Leadership Conference
certifcate programs leading to transfer and careers for community college graduates; Phase 2 is now developing
prototype curricular models in several public health areas. This summer, the models will be vetted by community
college educators and others. This session presents an overview of the project, its partnerships, and its future plans,
as well as ways community college educators can become involved.
Participants will beneft from attending the session by:
• Reviewing and receiving copies of the Community Colleges and Public Health Project Interim Report, which
includes foundational and consensus statements regarding the role of community colleges in education for
public health.
• Learning how prototype curricular models are being developed for several public health course and program
offerings in community colleges, including the partnerships involved and the benefts of the models to
community colleges that are planning or considering adding public health courses or programs.
• Learning how to participate in the vetting of the prototype curricular models currently being developed.
• Reviewing curricular elements being used to help ease articulation and transfer, including the Association for
Schools and Programs of Public Health’s Undergraduate Learning Outcomes and Critical Component Elements,
among others.
• Sharing insights and experiences regarding challenges and obstacles in developing of associate degree and
certifcate programs in public health, as well as the benefts of such programs to students and communities.
Location: Alpine 1
Presented by: Richard Strand, Executive Director, The Chair Academy, Mesa, AZ
Leadership matters - both in good times and in bad. The stress and strain of moving an organization forward
requires the best each of us has to offer. The question more and more organizations are having to face is,
“How do we go about creating and sustaining a culture of leadership excellence capable of taking on the
challenges we are facing in this ever changing world?”
In this session we’ll examine various leadership development models, including those available through the Chair
Academy. We’ll solicit best practices from participants and leave with a better understanding and perhaps an idea or
two about what it takes to grow leadership talent that is both prepared and equipped to take on the many challenges
we confront.