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Conference Keynote Speakers


MaryJane Bullen, MSOD, is a trainer/consultant, coach, and facilitator with Barrett
Values Centre and Coble Consulting. She provides Barrett Values certifcation
training for individuals and organizations in the United States and Canada. In
Washington DC area, her clients include: NASA and Goddard; American University;
Industrial Bank, National Cooperative Bank; Washington Post; Catapult Technology
(coach to Homeland Security leaders). Another client: TIAA-CREFF in New York and
North Carolina.
The Chair Academy’s 23rd Annual International Leadership Conference
As a management consultant at the World Bank (International Bank for
Sponsored by: Reconstruction and Development), MaryJane managed a technology team for Latin
America before moving to the Strategic Change unit to support the president’s offce
in creating deeper dialogues between vice-presidents during a large change effort.
There she worked with Richard Barrett in 1996 as he was creating the Values
assessment tools. MaryJane was appointed to serve on the Appeals Committee
for 5 years in support of better management and staff relations.

MaryJane received her Master in Organization Development from the American
University/AUNTL program. In 2001, she became an adjunct professor in the MSOD
program (course ‘Organization Analysis and Change’).

MaryJane Bullen will be speaking, Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Dan is the author of Flat Army: Creating a Connected and Engaged Organization
which published March 25, 2013 through Wiley. As Head of Learning & Collaboration
at TELUS (, Dan is responsible for the overarching learning,
collaboration & leadership development strategy for the company. Dan championed
the introduction of the TELUS Leadership Philosophy (TLP), an open and
collaborative-based leadership framework for all 40,000+ TELUS team members.
In parallel to these actions he has driven a philosophical and cultural shift in the way
TELUS views and experiences learning called “Learning 2.0”; the shift to a social,
informal and formal learning and collaboration model bringing TELUS to the forefront
Sponsored by: of connected learning and leading. He further championed the use and deployment
of collaborative technologies to complement both the learning and leadership
frameworks. Between 2008 and 2013, employee engagement at TELUS soared
from 53% to 81%.

His career is interwoven with both corporate and academic experience, coupled
with an MBA, B.Ed and multiple industry certifcations and accreditations. Dan is also
a renowned speaker and has been invited to deliver over 40 external keynotes and
presentations since 2009, including a TEDx Talk. In 2012 he appeared on the front
cover of T+D Magazine and Chief Learning Offcer Magazine. His book, Flat Army,
has been reviewed in both Forbes and The Globe and Mail and sat on the Amazon.
com best sellers list in leadership.

Dan Pontefract will be speaking, Thursday, March 27, 2014

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